Friday, September 30, 2011

Here we go = )

Bits and Pieces. I decided to name my blog this because it's what I seem to give to God, and to others: bits and pieces of myself. The thing is, I want God to have all of me, not just bits and pieces. And I want to share who God has made me to be with all of you. So here's to handing over all the bits and pieces!

So this is it. It's Friday morning, and I can't believe it's been almost a week since our first Circles meeting. Throughout the week, I have been thinking a lot about Johnny's message: family. Family is so vital to all of our lives, and I feel so blessed that God has given me the opportunity to be part of the Circles family.

I'm so super excited about Circles, and yet nervous at the same time. I want to put myself out there, to be the woman God wants me to be. In the same breath, I am scared to know what people will see when they look at me. Then God placed it on my heart that families see you for who you are and love you for who you are.

It's so cool that God continually meets me where I'm at. He knows my fears and my strengths, and has brought me to a place where I can literally look around a circle of people, and say "These people are my family in Christ." I'm so excited to get to know everyone of you, and to see how God transforms our lives through this year!

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